6 Reasons To Use Shampoo Bars

A Little Shampoo History
You’ve been using liquid shampoo you whole life, why change now? Did you know that the idea of using shampoo and bathing regularly didn’t come around until 1860? That’s right. Before the shampoo you know today the only place to get your hair washed was at the salon or bathhouse. The original shampoo bars they made weren’t perfect and often left people with dry, itchy scalps. Then came shampoo powder in 1898. That became more readily available and people began to wash their hair more (usually around once every two weeks).
In 1930 Breck liquid shampoo was invented. That, along with indoor plumbing, was a gamechanger. It was less drying so people could wash their hair once per week. By the 1950’s plastic bottles made it easier and more convenient to have a shampoo bottle in the shower and an entire industry was born.
The Problem With Liquid Shampoo
Let’s face it, liquid shampoo has issues. Not only do many mass produced liquid shampoos contain loads of controversial ingredients that aren’t that great for your hair, but they are absolutely terrible for the planet. Americans throw away 22 BILLION plastic bottles every year. 550 Million of those bottles are shampoo. Making the switch to shampoo bars is a great way to be more eco-conscious.

1. Good For The Environment
Everyone is trying to do their part to reduce waste. As a busy mom, teacher, and small business, owner I am always looking for ways to do my part, but sometimes life gets in the way and I might forget to recycle on occasion. With a shampoo bar, there is no plastic to recycle. Did you know that one truck load of shampoo bars takes up the same amount of space as 15 truckload of shampoo bottles? That is a huge carbon footprint! Shampoo bars are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.
2. Travel Friendly
Have you ever been the security line at the airport and wonder if your bottle had too much liquid in it- or worse- they made you throw out a brand new bottle because it had too many ounces? That isn’t an issue with shampoo bars. They are compact and lightweight. Fantastic for traveling through airports or just a trip to the gym. Just toss your shampoo bar in your bag and you’re ready to go. (Not to mention there is no more worrying about liquids leaking all over your clothing)

3. Less Water
Take a look at the ingredient list on any bottle of shampoo. The first ingredient is water. That’s right. You are paying for water- almost 80% of the bottled shampoo you are buying is water. Shampoo bars have all of the necessary ingredients for washing your hair minus the water. Shampoo bars are easy to use and require less water to get a really good lather, which means you waste less of it. That helps them to last almost 3 times as long as bottled shampoo! That helps you save money and time wasted making more frequent trips to buy shampoo.
4. Your Hair Will Love You For It

5. Saves Money
In today’s economy everyone is looking for ways they can stretch their dollars. It might seem like shampoo bars are more expensive, but when you factor in the amount of water you are paying for, and the fact that you have to use a bunch of it (because of all the water), they really are saving you money. Think about it… the recommended amount of liquid shampoo to use is a dime or quarter size dollop in your hand. How many times have you only used a dime sized dollop? With shampoo bars, a couple of swipes across your hair is enough to produce a great lather. A typical bottle of shampoo lasts 25-30 washes. You will get much more than that from a shampoo bar- usually around 50-80 washes (more if your hair is shorter), and when you are getting close to the end of a shampoo bar- just stick it to the next bar like glue. This way there’s none wasted. You can’t do that with bottled shampoo. I hate having to use herculean strength to squeeze the last drop out of the bottle, or adding water to dilute it so it will flow out! Think about all the money you will save without having to buy so many bottles of shampoo.
6. Easy To Use
How do you use a shampoo bar? It’s easy. Simply wet your hair and the shampoo bar and run the bar over your head a few times. Put the bar down and work your hair into the thick, creamy lather by massaging the shampoo into your scalp. Rinse and repeat.
You could also build up a lather in your hands, kind of like washing your hands, and then rub that lather onto your hair, massage it into your scalp, rinse and repeat.
Try A Shampoo Bar Today
Do I Need To Use A Conditioner?
That is completely up to you. Our shampoo bars are made to be conditioning on their own, but I know after years and years of using conditioner, that’s a hard habbit to break. That is why we made a conditioner bar to go with each of our shampoo bars. You use them pretty much the same way you use a shampoo bar, except instead of lathering up in your hair- you just rub enough over your hair to make it feel slick. Then rinse. One of the advantages to conditioner bars is that you can use it to condition just the ends of your hair or your whole head. Pro tip- conditioner bars can also be used as a body moisturizer.